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Robin S. Petty, LMSW
Director of Social Work Services
Education and Disability Advocate
DDMA Advocacy, LLC
Don't Dismyabilities (DDMA) is the mindset Robin Petty brings to the table when advocating on behalf of children and adults with disabilities. Though he stresses that every individual has their own unique needs, his experiences as a wheelchair user has given him certain insights that allow him to understand many of the challenges & obstacles people with disabilities face. Robin had a 504 Plan when he was in school and he has used many different social services & supports.
As an Advocate, he assists children and adults with special needs and their families in a multitude of ways. After working for ten years for the firm, he's become very familiar with the laws affecting people with disabilities and is prepared to help people navigate through complex systems to get the needed services to which they are entitled.
Every lesson he's learned has provided the tools that enable him to assist and advocate for his clients – be they individuals, families, organizations, or communities. He receives a great amount of satisfaction from his efforts & uses empathy, a deep compassion, & a keen sense of justice – as well as his experience as an in-group member – to know and empower families to gain access to valuable programs, needed services & other community resources.
Master of Science in Social Work, University of Texas, 2009
Board of Directors, Don't DismyAbilities, Inc.
Council of Parents, Advocates & Attorneys (COPAA)
Texas Organization of Parent Attorney Advocates (TOPAA)
National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
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