A student may face criminal charges and an disciplinary alternative education (DAEP placement after a school incident.
A student may face criminal charges and an disciplinary alternative education (DAEP placement after a school incident.
Take Action to sever the Schoolhouse to Jailhouse pipeline
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​Click on the red button below to find contact links to your elected officials. Call, write and/or visit them to have your voice heard and counted.
You're welcome to use the following script in your letters or emails:
Whatever position the Court decides to take, I believe legislation is needed to automatically trigger schools to provide full reviews of their student's alternative disciplinary placements in cases where law enforcement determines no offense was committed.
[Your name and address]
Dear [Elected Official],
This June an important legal question concerning a student's due process rights is being ruled on in the 5th Circuit Court of appeals.
"Can school districts uphold disciplinary alternative education placements after law enforcement finds no offense was committed?"